Principal's Message

Principal's Welcome Message

Dear Parents, Students, and Community Members, 

Welcome to Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School! We are honored to continue the legacy of academic excellence and spiritual growth that has defined our school since its founding in 1987. 

At Our Lady of Peace School, we are committed to nurturing an educational environment that is not only focused on academic achievement but also on the holistic development of each child. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in Gospel values, and we strive to ensure that Jesus Christ is at the center of all that we do. 

In our inclusive and equitable atmosphere, every student is valued and respected. We recognize and celebrate the diversity of our student body, and we are dedicated to providing tailored programs and learning opportunities that meet the unique needs of each child. Our goal is to empower students to reach their full potential, both academically and spiritually. 

Our dedicated staff members are passionate about personal, spiritual, and professional growth. They foster creativity and innovation in the classroom, encouraging students to think independently and critically. Through collaborative efforts and effective leadership, we continuously enhance our curriculum to meet the evolving needs of our students in a changing world. 

Central to our mission are the core values of collaboration, communication, integrity, and positivity. These values form the foundation of our vibrant faith community, and we strive to embody them in all aspects of school life. 

As you walk through the doors of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Elementary School, our hope is that you will experience the warmth and strength of our community and witness firsthand our commitment to providing a nurturing and enriching educational experience. 

Thank you for entrusting us with the education and development of your children. Together, let us continue to inspire minds, touch hearts, and transform lives in the light of Christ. 

Yours in Catholic Education, 

Kevin Mielko 
